Sarah Rae has always struggled with her mental health. She was a National Mind trustee for nine years during which time she Co-foundered and Co-led the successful PROMISE restraint reduction programme at the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust. A few years later Sarah initiated the MINDS Study (Coproducing improved mental health acute inpatient discharge …
Post Type Archives: Speakers
Hardeep Aiden
Hardeep Aiden joined the Health Foundation in April 2019 as Research Manager, focusing on population health and public participation. At the height of the pandemic, he led the establishment of the inclusion panel – a group of people with professional and lived experience who have been helping improve the inclusiveness of the Foundation’s work. Before …
Shaun Leamon
Shaun is a Research Manager at the Health Foundation, an independent charitable organisation working to build a healthier UK, where he oversees funded research and evaluations to support innovation and improvement in health and care services. Shaun leads a series of initiatives to ensure good practice in research and evaluation funding, including the previous development …
Anna Ramsay
Anna is the Senior Research Programmes Lead for the Health Foundation’s REAL Centre (Research and Economics Analysis for the Long term), a think tank providing independent analysis and research to support better long-term decision making in health and social care. Anna leads the REAL Centre’s research commissioning programme, including the design and set-up of strategic …
Abimbola Ayorinde
Dr Abimbola Ayorinde is an Assistant Professor (Research-Focused) in health services and public health research at Warwick Medical School, where she also serves as the Deputy Head of the Division of Health Sciences (People). She is an active member of various National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) infrastructure, including the NIHR Applied Research …
Kamran Abbasi
Kamran Abbasi is editor in chief of The BMJ. He is a doctor, journalist, editor, and broadcaster. After starting his career in hospital medicine, in various medical specialties such as psychiatry and cardiology, Kamran worked at the BMJ from 1997 to 2005. He was deputy editor and acting editor during that time. In 2013, Kamran …