3 December 2024 In-person, BMA House, London Driving real-world impact from health research

Sarah Rae

Co-Chief Investigator

Inclusion Panel Member

Sarah Rae has always struggled with her mental health. She was a National Mind trustee for nine years during which time she Co-foundered and Co-led the successful PROMISE restraint reduction programme at the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust. A few years later Sarah initiated the MINDS Study (Coproducing improved mental health acute inpatient discharge using a Systems approach) and is now Co-Chief Investigator on the project. Sarah is also the Patient and Public Involvement Lead for the pan-London Safety in Mental Health Settings project and Co-Chair of the Patient and Carer Reference Group hosted by the Academy of Medical Sciences. In addition, she is member of the Inclusion Panel and the Q community, both led by the Health Foundation.