Prof. Chris Holmes
Professor of Biostatistics, Department of Statistics
University of Oxford
Chris Holmes is Professor of Biostatistics at the University of Oxford, with a joint appointment between the Department of Statistics and the Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine, through the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics and the Li Ka Shing Centre for Health Innovation and Discovery. Before joining Oxford, Chris was based at Imperial College, London, and also worked in industry conducting research in scientific computing. Until October 2023, he served as the Programme Director for Health and Medical Sciences at The Alan Turing Institute, a role held jointly with Health Data Research UK. Chris holds a Programme Leader’s award in Statistical Genomics from the Medical Research Council UK. In 2016, WIRED UK magazine named him one of the ‘Innovators of the year in AI’. Chris has a broad interest in the theory, methods and applications of statistics and statistical modelling. He is particularly interested in pattern recognition and nonlinear, nonparametric statistical machine learning methods applied to the genomic sciences and genetic epidemiology.